Giving at the Chapel Royal

God’s love is free; you do not need to make any kind of payment to attend the Chapel Royal, receive communion, or request pastoral care.

Like many churches, the Chapel Royal is entirely funded by the generosity of its community both past and present. We do not receive an income from the government, or from the Church of England.

We are enormously grateful for donations of any size.

Online Donations

You can make donations online through the Parish Giving Scheme here. This allows you to give monthly, quarterly or annually via Direct Debit; Gift Aid or give anonymously should you choose to; and more.

If you wish to make a one-off donation, you can do so via SumUp here.

If you have any further queries or want any more information about our online giving, please get in touch at

Collections in Services

During most services, a member of the congregation will circulate part way through the service to collect any donations.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can be applied to any donation you make. Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you.

If donating in person, please use one of the envelopes provided in our welcome area. If donating in some other fashion please communicate your wish to have Gift Aid applied to your donation and a member of the team will take care of it.

Bank Transfers & Standing Orders

You can make one-off gifts by BACS bank transfer, or set up a standing order to make a regular donation. This is sometimes called ‘pay someone’ on your personal banking app, or website.

To set this up, our account details are:

Name: B.P.C. Chapel Royal
Account Number:
Sort Code:
Giving, followed by your initials


A legacy is a wonderful way of ensuring that the values you loved in life, continue to be supported once you have died.

If you are interested in leaving a legacy to Chapel Royal, please email, or call our office on +44 (0)1273 328767.